Exploring AI and more. Stay in touch: @SeanPedersen96
- Information, Knowledge & Self-Awareness
- Semantic Complexity Gap
- Sparse Distributed Representations
- Structure of Neural Embeddings
- Digital Uncertainty
- Launching Digger.lol
- MiniBook
- Interesting Mathematical Objects
- Formidable Projects
- Overcoming the limits of current LLM
- On the Artificial Intelligence Hype
- Kolmogorov Complexity
- Why I won't graduate
- The world needs more #DEEFOSS
- HyperTag: File Organization made for Humans
- The Future of Programming
- Google & Co Ejector
- A Nuclear Powered Nuclear Waste Dispenser
- Understanding understanding
- Meta Design: Design of a Design
- Natural Language Processing: Sentiment Analysis
- Deep Learning: Variational Auto-Encoders