Sean Pedersen

Sean Pedersen

Digital Uncertainty

We are entering the age of digital uncertainty. An age where any digital artifact can not be deemed to be real (grounded in reality like a photography) anymore.

Any attempt to build AI generated content (deep fake) detection systems is flawed, since the outputs of such a system may be used to train an even better fake data generator. This leads to an equilibrium state of digital uncertainty: nothing in the digital realm can be deemed as real anymore - only as digital.

Only things we perceive in the real world ourselves, can we be sure to not be faked.

Will this create a new flood of skeptics and critical thinkers that are harder to manipulate with digital media? I doubt it. It is more likely that people will shift more to verified content creators they put their trust in. Which in turn allows these content creators to effortlessly spin any narrative they want using digital content (that they can arbitrarily design).